Santa's Story

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Makan with Ex-staff

Just returned from dinner makan session with EL, MH, CY, TT and BMW (name has been abbreviated to hide the identity. hehehe.). Quite interesting session lor. Both, TT and I, shared our grievances with EL during the makan. I think EL can understand what we went through lor since she had also suffered under that miserable "Egg Vehicle Duck's horn" before.

However she expressed her disappointment in her successor (Sewage Water Pipe) when she heard from the horses' mouth that there is still the existence of that 6-8 drafts for the test papers. (Ya lah, TT and my mouth are horses' mouth lah. CTT!) And when we told EL about the latest TT's "paper incident, her 1st remark was "Wau lau eh! How can she have such lack of integrity as a management personnel?" Well said, EL! I totally agree with you!

But hor, I remember few years ago when we was setting the paper with EL til the last minutes in the HODs room and when we were leaving at about 7.30 pm, someone warned us not to let to let the 2 p's know that we stayed until so late. That someone even said that if they got winds of it, she will put the blame on us. Hmmm.....I wonder who was it hor? Kind of like that chinese saying "50 steps laughing at 100steps, isn't it? But of course when comparing your crime to her crime, yours is the lesser evil lor. But to me there isn't much of a differences lor.

You know sometime I also don't know what's wrong with that swp. She seems to be a nice person (though the niceness feels artificial), but the things she do to people I really don't comprehend lor. And the latest news I heard, the school have requested for a new sci head. This means that all her efforts have pushes her further away from that seat that she wanted to sit in that "room". Stupid isn't it?


At 5:40 am, June 08, 2007, Blogger Obi Wan said...

No one is perfect lah. Whether management or not. Thing is, when these people evaluate our 'suitability' to join them in management, they dissect our personality traits and bring up every single imperfection as if they don't have any. In the 1st if we want to be part of their management team. Ceh!!!

At 6:40 pm, June 18, 2007, Blogger Mohd Sufian said...

Though I am just a nutty TA but I can more or less decipher those Da Vinci codes.
Egg Vehicle Duck's Horn
Sewage Water Pipe

At 6:40 pm, June 18, 2007, Blogger Mohd Sufian said...

Though I am just a nutty TA but I can more or less decipher those Da Vinci codes.
Egg Vehicle Duck's Horn
Sewage Water Pipe


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