Santa's Story

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dad's Day 2 in CGH

Yup! My dad is still in CGH. He could finally feed. The docs did their test this morning but they said (ready yourself for this), they can't find the cancerous cells, there seems to be no cancerous cells in his stomach. Am I supposed to be relieved? Somehow I wasn't surprised lor. I still stick to that comment i made yesterday about s'pore elites. But they said my dad's face look fat (He is obese do these docs know that!!!!) so they kept my dad for a few more days. Elites, anyone???People that know me, can you do me a favour? If next time I have any medical problem and I said I want to be admitted to CGH, kindly book an IMH ward for me. Thanks in advance!

Anyway, there was a patient who passed away in my dad's ward this evening. When I went to visit my dad's after school. I saw 3 docs next to that's patient's bed. I presume they are the resident (doctors i/c) of this ward. I asked my dad what happen to that patient and he said that patient had coughed and puked blood just now. Fine, I thought, these docs should be able to handle it lor. Then I observed that abt another 7 different docs came to visit that patient. And strangely all of them ask that patient the same question. "Did you puked blood just now?" Apparently my profession have not taught our docs how to read, so they dunno how to read the patient's case file and must verbally ask lor. I was really tempted to walk over there and teach these docs how to read. Come to think of it, my LSP kids can also become docs...Erm.....dunno to be happy or scared. Back to the "show", then at around 5.40pm, 1 of the 3 resident started ranting "Uncle! Uncle! Call the MO. Uncle! Uncle! call the MO." I couldn't see anything lor cuz they curtained the area around that patient. But the next hour or so, was a very frantic scene lor, the docs and nurses rushing in and out of that curtained patient's area. It's like watching ER live on tv. Unfortunately, after trying for like 1 hour plus, the patient was pronounced dead at around 7 .05pm lor. The scene in the ward then turn kind of gloomy lor. Poor thing. All his family arrived abt 6 +, and they cried / wailed / wept when they learn that he has "went to play chess with the one above". Kind of empathise them.


At 8:32 am, July 29, 2006, Blogger barbie777 said...

Thinking of my grandma(My father's mother)who was pronounced dead on saturday february morning on 6:16 am.nai nai !nai nai!I miss her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 2:55 pm, July 29, 2006, Blogger Obi Wan said...

Maybe they just want your dad to spend more money on all those irrelevant tests.


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