Santa's Story

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

General Election Coming!

Ya! I know you people already know that the GE is this coming Saturday. But no choice don't know what to write for title mah. So make do make do, can? Anyway, it has been quite a while since I blog lor. My class has been keeping me busy. Very frustrating teaching them leh. All "du du" like to "tu tu train". What ever I say, they also cannot go in their "coconut". Kind of miss my last year 3D. 8( But anyway, I always tell myself that they still got hope lor, eventually can see the light at the end of the tunnel. (though sometimes it's seems like the light from a dying firefly.) Must motivate myself to carry on mah. If not I can die from high blood pressure very early.

Last month went to GongShang Primary (GSP) to visit the LSP teacher there. While waiting in their canteen for my appointment time to reach, I was also looking left and right. Hoping to see if I can see our Vanessa. Never see her leh. Kind of miss her. Anyway GSP's building is very quite small leh. Our YPS bigger. But GSP very beautiful, their no. 1 willing to pump $$$ to make the school beautiful unlike certain people here.

Anyway, I thought that Friday school can dismiss at 12pm. But sad to hear this morning that school dismissing as usal lor. Don't understand! School must vacate by 2 pm. 1.30pm dismiss very troublesome. 1stly, bring the class down already takes up 5 - 10 mins. 2ndly, if it is sunny or clear weather still fine, but if rain then die lar, the crowd will take about 30 mins to clear. And looking at the weather recently, thunder storm is highly possible at around 1.30pm. Plus if their parent no time to come or is late in fetching them , the child bring go to police post issit at 2 pm? Super "Duh" leh the decision! It's like inviting trouble to start. Waiting for the newspaper to smear our school name? Well Done leh! Just check with my friend's whose sch is also polling school, latest they dismiss at 12.30pm.


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