Santa's Story

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm Back!

Hiya Elfings! I'm back. Just read through the message on my tag box, very touched to know that some people actually miss me. I'm very happy to finally return to S'pore. Really miss you people too! The weather in Australia is a killer. Its weather is really arid. i.e hot and dry. I'm now about 10 shades darker than before. Hmmm, probably is a good thing too. Given that ladies like to have a tall, dark, handsome bf. I can finally say I now have the dark part. But on the other hand, the contrast in colour in my arm is a bit disturbing lor. Imagine parts of the body very black but other parts very white. Feel like a otello chess piece now.

I also miss the S'pore food. Not used to the food they served at the Aussie camp. It seems like they have a enmity with chicken, cuz I have eaten chicken dishes for my lunches and dinners since the first day that I reached the camp. Where's the veggies? I want my veggies!!! Did you know I ate so much meat in Australia that the skin on my 10 fingers started to peal from day 3. I was very tempted to pluck the leaves from trees and eat or to graze the grass near the cookhouse like a mooing cow. Didn't do it in the end, cuz I realise that if I really resemble a cow, I may be serve as food the next day for lunch or dinner. I'm still too young to die in a pot.

The place is also very dusty. Despite covering myself till I looked like a ninja, I still have dust facials everywhere I go. The place is so dusty that when the vehicle is moving, it will kick up a fog of dust behind it. And since there are always army trucks or tanks moving around the camp, you can imagine how much dust we have breathe in. Imagine your nasal mucus is black in colour everytime you sneeze them out with a tissue. Very gross man!

Some of you may be anxious to see the photos from my reservist trip. Sorry no photos lor! Didn't bring my digi-cam with me ths time. Mum and Dad going for vacation when I'm in Australia so they choped the digi-cam already. Couldn't write much too because I had forgotten to bring my notebook with me to Australia. I didn't realise till I reached the Aussie camp. But I will try to write some of the interesting portions from my short and small memory lor.

27/10/05 (Day1)
The flight was supposed to be at 8.40pm but was told the week before that we must reached Changi Airport by 5.40 pm. So I reached the airport at 5.18 pm. Idiot! The camp people that were supposed check us in were not even there yet! Ask me to come so early!! Those jokers didn't appear till pass 6.30pm!!! Almost wanted to threw my luggage bag at them when they appear. Was very happy that 2 very persistent colleagues came to see me off lor (Ms Han & Grace). Thanks you ladies! So smurfie don't say I didn't let you send me ok. If you die die also want to send me off and you appear at the airport, I won't be so unreasonable to send you back wan lor.

30/10/05 (Day4)
Moved out to field for exercise (military training). The commanders bring us to this place that have toilet and bathing facilities. Happiness went down the drain when we saw the toilets. They are literally just several enlongated holes on the ground. Very stinko, the toliets smelled like they haven't washed for many years. Many of us had mouth diarrhoea (puke out) when we smelt the toilet. No one used the toilets, we prefer to take our "businesses" far far away.

Erm...erm.......just realise that other than these two days mentioned, the other days were really mundane lor. Very ordinary lor, nothing much to write. Of course we saw a lot of strange and exotic animals that lar. But no digicam to take photo mah. Can't describe each animals lor.

Ok have to stop writing kind of tired already. See ya!


At 12:53 am, November 14, 2005, Blogger Obi Wan said...

Hey!! Check out what I wrote about u on my blog while u were away!!! heheh


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