Santa's Story

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm Not Away Yet!!!

Wah lau!!! Must mention again! I'm leaving this coming thursday (27/10) lah! Not yesterday (24/10)! So you people can don't look so surprised and ask me how come I still in school? Some people even said I bluff them. When did I bluff you?? I told you people that I will be flying off on the (27/10) what!!! You think i want to come back to school meh?? I very sian wan you know.

And for goodness sake! I'm going to Australia for reservist training, it's not a holiday leh. Can you people stop saying I'll be enjoying in Australia? I bit p.o. with these remarks liao. Let be state the facts for you people. Australia is now having its summer season. The part of Australia that we are training in is somewhere smack between Cairns and Bisbane. Cool! you say can go Gold Coast. I wish so too. but if you check your atlas or your geography textbook, the place that I am going to is a super (x100) uloo desert leh. Yes that are some forestation (i.e.trees & bushes) in the training area but the weather there is so very dry and hot that a small nudge may send the whole "stupid" tree tumbling over me. Cuz the tree may have died inside the trunk due to the heat. (something to do with the dying of its water carrying tubes). Plus due to its extreme hot temperature now, water is an issue. Australia desert do not have water coolers to refill my water bottles wan leh. Of cuz some of you may say can go back to the camp and refill wat!!! Oh did I mentioned to you that once I reached Australia, the 2nd day I will be going out to the field and I won't come back to the camp till 10/11. And when we go out to the field, we will be going about 100 km away from the camp. (About the distance from Changi to Jurong) So how in the world, will I be able to come to camp to refill my bottles. And since i came to the issue of water, do you know we most probably won't be bathing when we are out field (no water to bath mah!! Water for drinking wan you know). And we will be like out field for slightly more than 2 weeks. Do you know how much dirt i will be "growing" on my body everyday?? I don't even want to think about it.

Oh yeah. Lately I've been asked by a lot of "concerned parties" (i.e. busybodies) about which class i'll be taking next year. Ok, I've finally got a hint from our principal. The class that I'm taking next year will be a tail-end of the tail-end class (i.e. a class that is even worst than 4H 2006.) Sorry cannot tell you people which class I taking yet. Mrs Tan's secret, can't tell yet until the last week of school. But you people will definitely won't go to that class wan lor even if you fail all your subjects. Trust me. But I'm praying very hard that Mrs Tan will change her mind (God give me a miracle!!!) lor. Cuz i really (x100) want to take 4D in 2006 lor.


At 9:13 pm, October 26, 2005, Blogger Kevin said...

My friend from 3F tell me that you bring them go to computer lab.

At 12:53 am, October 27, 2005, Blogger Santa said...

Yup!!! Bring them go there do more@once.

At 9:13 pm, October 28, 2005, Blogger Kevin said...

So good.


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