Santa's Story

Monday, October 17, 2005

Santa's Giblishing Again

A bit sian today lor. Cuz from today onwards, 3D shall no longer be under me. My elfings are now all under Mrs Nizam. Wonder what will happen to them lor. I heard a lot of them miss me lor!!!! But too bad lor, Mrs Tan orders. Can't reject leh. Mrs Tan die die also want me to pass my elves to Mrs Nizam, so no choice lor. Hope my elves can perfrom better under Mrs Nizam.

Having said all these, I need to remind my elves that the target I set for you people still stand lor. i.e. you people better study very (x10) hard, cuz I dun want to see any of you in any classes below 4C in 2006 lor. That's right, no one is allowed to remain even in 4D next year. All must force your way through to either 4A or 4B or 4C. Actually it is not really that difficult wan lah, you just need to study about 10x harder then how you are study right now lor. I have done it before mah. Those people who know my background know that I am a graduate from that famous "thinking hands" school lor. So if I eventually become a teacher, you can just imagine the amount of "studying hard" I have done.

People that went into my blog last week will have notice that I have added music to my blog lor. Sorry for taking so long. But I need time to trial and error mah. Asked a certain blueish creature to teach me lah, but the creature don wan lor. So i must 'tikam tikam' lor. Took me awhile to study the blue creature's blog codes but I finally found the required codes lor. And 2 days after I added music, my "wonderful" Jolene said that my song is a very old song. Wah! My song isn't old, ok? I actually thought it was quite nice lor. I quite like this song. It's the song of a PS2 game, "Final Fatasy X". Love the graphics in the game, also love the song too. The song name is "Eyes on me" by Faye Wong. I didn't put any recent pop song cuz the pop songs are easily available from the radio lor. Still searching for the code for the song "Remember me this way" , may replace the present music with the new code when I find it.

Lastly to my elves, enjoy your 4 days away from school. Play all you want but remember to complete your E.M.S. homework given by Mrs Nizam lor. She not as kind-hearted as me want lor.


At 7:24 pm, October 18, 2005, Blogger Kevin said...

So sad,sad,sad.

At 2:04 pm, October 19, 2005, Blogger barbie777 said...

WE'll Miss u Mr Lim

At 4:03 pm, October 25, 2005, Blogger Santa said...

I'll miss you Tooooooooooooooo!! 8(


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