Santa's Story

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Chicken Pox & Dengue Scare

Kally just told me a frightening news today. She told me that her mum had just being infected by chicken pox. It seems that a naughty virus has been having a pox-ing day in her house. As a result 3 (or is it 4?) of her family members have been "pox-ed" by the chicken. In short, 3 of members in her family has or is having or is recovering from chicken pox. Quite unlucky lor her. If I say i'm now not afraid that the chicken pox virus may spread from her house to our classroom, I must be lying lor. Given the "super-tight" term that we are having now, any absences will delay our study progress lor. Of course I know that some of you may be "hoping" that I will kenna the chicken pox loh. This way i won't be able to come to class to scold you people. But sorry lor! I quite healthy wan lor, it is extremely difficult for me to fall sick during the academic term leh. However notheless, i will be praying very hard for Kally to stay healthy and her 3 "pox-ed" family members will recovered faster lor.

I also found out a frightening news today. In case you didn't know, i'm the teacher in charge of environment in our school lor. This means any stuffs about the environment or recycling will be handled by me lah. Anyway today i went to check the national environment homepage lor. I want to see if they got any new upcoming environment activities that I have to take note of lor. And I found a quite terrible news lor. According to their website, some of the blocks in Tampines street 23 are in the hot zone list for dengue lor. This means these blocks have a lot of people kenna dengue fever lor. Given that our school is in street 21, this will means 2 terrible news for us. One, some of our pupils may be staying in these blocks and thus they are at risk. Two, those idiot mosquitoes (I talking about those dengue type) may also "visit" us in school. I must talk with our OM, mr lau tomorrow. We have to do something to protect ourselves. Hmmm....maybe all of us have to walk around with a insecticide can.


At 8:58 pm, October 06, 2005, Blogger Kevin said...

Kally also told that she got chicken poks too Mr Lim.


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