Santa's Story

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Harry Potter

Today I went to watch the harry potter movie. Not bad lor. Quite ok lah, not as bad as what "renault megane" describe it to be. I can relate to some of the scenes in the movie. Like the part where harry find it very difficult to invite his "chio bu" to the dance because all the girls were all sticking together. I totally agree with him lor. How come girls like to stick to each other like glue? Very difficult for timid people like me and harry to ask people out wan you know? In the end the harry and ron wasn't able to ask cho and hermoine out lor because two "tall, white, handsome" guys had "potong jalan" their girls lor. Kind of felt sad for them. It always happen to me too, kind of sian already. Close to give up liao. But there was one part which I thought was a bit weird lor. In case you didn't notice, Voldemort didn't really have a nose lor. It was kind of like two vertical slits on his face. A bit wasted lor, because I thought he should be quite "lang zai" wan lor, not a extreme makeover disaster face.

Oh yeah, just in case you didn't know, I had never read the book before lor. So my comments are just based on what I saw in the cinema and how I felt lor. No offence intended to any HP fans lor.


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