Santa's Story

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Dad's Admission to CGH

My dad got admitted into CGH this morning. Why was he admitted? Good question. I'm given VERY strict order by his truly and my F&B minster, aka mum, that the real reason why he was admitted must never be leak out. BUT this secret is too funny not to be shared leh! Can die wan you know, keeping this secret. The official statement we have to say is "He was admitted because he choked onto something." The funny part is that something but since I can't leak it out (hey! Food is damn important to me, ok?), I'll just have to leave it at there. Hehehe...Don't bother to ask me outside, I can't tell too. (Makan leh! very important!) Anyway, he choked just before breakfast this morning, but he still insist that he drive me to school. So touched! but was also quite pissed off too, thought I can accompany him to the hospital then use that as a reason to 'potang school'. Idiot! still must come to school. 8(

Initially when he was admitted we thought it was just to operate to remove "that foreign object", but our "very competent doctors" in the hospital said they can't find "that foreign object", so they inserted a camera thru his mouth to look for it in his stomach lor. Somehow "not surprisingly to me" these docs can't find "that foreign object" there too. But they found things they claimed to be cancerous cells in his stomach. So they admitted him so that they can do further testing on him lor. As for "that foreign object", these docs expect my dad to pass it out when he pass motion lor, so in prepreparation for their "cancer testing", they gave instruction that he have to starve the whole day lor. Seems "sooooo brilliant" their prescription, except for 1 tiny problem that these "premature and brain-defect" docs have obviously fail to consider. My dad ate his last meal at 8pm yesterday, he was about to eat his breakfast this morning when he choked. IDIOT & STUPID DOCTORS!!!! HOW TO PASS MOTION when he have an empty stomach??? You mean coming every 30 mins to ask him if he has passed motion will help meh????!!!!! WAH LAU EH!!!!!! They are supposed to be s'pore elites leh! Tell ppls they give this kind of stupid prescription, will make s'pore lose face wan leh. 8


At 8:35 am, July 29, 2006, Blogger barbie777 said...

I agree!!!!!!!!

At 6:35 pm, October 02, 2006, Blogger Kevin said...

Did you forget about me?


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