Santa's Story

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Scouts' Campcraft Course

Today I brought 14 of my scouts to Gong Shang Primary for their scouts' campcraft course. Hope they remember what they learnt. By the way during the morning break, I finally manage to see Vanessa. Wah! Really missed her leh. Can see that she miss me too. hahaha! Thick skin I know. 8) Actualy she was the one that call out to me first. She still look the same lor, same shoulder length hair, same face. Hmm, I always thought studying at GPS will make people look smart, but no leh don't see that smart look on her face. hahaha. Nope, I'm not trying to be sacarstic, i'm just trying to say she didn't have that smug look that "RI" students have lor. Yes I admit i'm don't have a good impression of RI students. This is due to my past experiences with some RI boys when i was still studying in Secondary, but that is a story for another day, back to Vanessa. Heard from Vanessa that the papers in GPS is harder than YPS. she said she score 70s to 80s in YPS but in GPS she can only score 60s to 70s, one range lower. So you people should be counting your lucky stars that our papers are not the most difficult. Our papers can only claimed to be the 2nd most difficult in Tampines. Why? Cuz' I only know the standard of YPS and GPS. hahahaha 8D


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