Santa's Story

Monday, July 02, 2007

My 1st day as a student

Today mark the first day I return to school as a student in SIM. I graduated from Ngee Ann Poly in 2000. So it has been like 7 years since I actually studied accounts lor. I was a bit afraid that I can't follow the lecture lor. If that happens, then I really "siao liao". I'll have to "campfire" (burn midnight oil) almost every night until I can catch up. Fortunately after today's lecture, it wasn't too bad lor. Still was able to understand the lecturer despite forgetting the meaning of some accounting terms. Must make a note to self to go find out what they means before the next lecture (i.e. tomorrow). Sigh......

Anyway, today brought back a couple of poly memories to me. For your info, to get to school (SIM & NP) during peak hours, squeezing into the bus at the bus-stop next to the Clementi MRT station is a 'must' in order not to be late for school. Kind of forgotten about that as I've not waited for a bus there since I graduated. So I was a bit stunned when I saw the crowding of people when the bus 184 reached the bus-stop. It was complete chaos. I've to used my long forgotten "Ah Nick's Squeeze into a Bus" skill to get into the bus.

Also, my class was made up of about 70% female lor. So you can say I'm in a course filled with babes. I've to admit some of my class-mates are kind of chio lor, but I'm here to study leh, must focus....must focus...... And 80% of these girls are kind of young. I've overheard a group of girls comparing their age and one of them is 12 years my junior! Feel like an uncle leh! So embarrassed that I pretended I didn't hear them and I continue to read my lecture notes. (I didn't eavesdrop, they were sitting behind me and you know lah, when girls chattered, they can be damn loud volume wan lor. So their conversation content naturally flowed into my ears.)

During the lecture, we were given a textbook question to work on. The lecturer prepared some photocopies of the question for those who didn't bring their textbook today. But it wasn't enough to go around, despite request for triple-sharing, because 95% of the class didn't bring their textbooks. I was one of the "special" 5% who lugged my textbook from Tampines to Clementi. So imagine my good fortune when one of the chio bu, C, sitting at the same row as me, approached me to ask if I mind share my book with her. Of course I'm willing to share with her! God Bless my Textbook! And to think that I was 'cursing' myself in the afternoon, on my way to school, for lugging my textbook to school when it seems unlikely that the book will be used today. I'm going to kiss it & lug it to school everyday from now on.

One incident happened to me before the lecture started today. I was early today. My lecture starts at 7pm but I reached SIM at 6pm. After my dinner and roaming around the campus, I entered the lecture theatre at about 6.40pm. Few minutes later, a lady, W, (no, she's not chio bu) came and sat at the seat in front of me. Imagine my amazement when W suddenly turned around and invited me to join her for the group assignment that we are supposed to submit. I was amazed for 3 reasons. Reason 1, her abrupt turning around caught me by surprise lor. Reason 2, the 1st lesson haven't even started yet (it was 6.45pm then) and she is thinking of the group assignment. Sound kiasu to me lor. Reason 3, the deadline isn't given yet (notes stated deadline will be informed). Very kaisu lor! I know we should start early but not that early lah! I repeat again 1st lecture havn't start yet! Anyway, I agreed to join her lor. Lazy to go hunt for people to work with mah. From my observation, there're couples of cliches around. I know it won't be easy to break into their cliche. Anyway, given W's kiasu-ness, I'm quite sure our assignment will be punctual and of a passable grade lor as long as I can withstand her kiasu-ness. Thinking of asking that C to join in too. Will try my luck tomorrow. Wish me good luck. 8)


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