Santa's Story

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Update on my SIM Chio Bu

Went to school (SIM) today. Was eager to see that chio bu again. Was looking (discreetly) high and low for her but alas, didn't saw her till after the break. I didn't realised that she was sitting just 2 rows behind me. Kannasai man I! But didn't have a chance to talk to her, as it was at end of the break then I saw her. Plus by then she had a "tall, dark, handsome" guy who was talking to her and sitting next to her throughout the whole lecture. She waved at me though. This means she still remembered me from yesterday. (grin) And since they are sitting 2 rows behind me, I could heard the guy explain the lecture points to her lor. From a trained professional's point of view, his explanation was kind of kannasai lor. (Trust me. I've the teaching diploma to prove!) I mean he explain and explain but the girl still seems to have problem getting it. (From what I overheard.) Yesterday when I tutored her, she understood the lecture after I explained a few sentences. Don't play play ah I! But too bad lor. Didn't see her till after break so got 'potong jalan' by other guy liao lah. And from what I what I observed and overheard, I think they're un a couple lor. So maybe still got 0.00001% chance lah I. But I think that guy is going to make sure he sit next to the girl tomorrow also lor. Sigh! 8(


At 10:08 am, November 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eee....MR LIM GOT "lao po"3>


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