Santa's Story

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Dinner with an "Actress"

Sorry for not blogging after Valentine's day. Had been busy with my school projects since then. Plus, had some family problems to settle. And someone I added on my facebook had been "stalking" me in facebook. Kind of creepy lor the messages she sent. In short, had been quite stressed up by all the events happening around me, especially the family problems. Sian sia! No one to help me relieve the stress. How I wish I had someone to talk to about these stress. These are the times you wished you were attached or married, then at least you have a listening ear to console you.

Anyway, met up with ILS for dinner today. Had an enjoyable time bitching about her youngest sister, people we know and my stresses. In the cafe, where we had our dinner, ILS was mistaken to be a TV artiste lor. Quite funny lor. When we first walked into the cafe, the waitresses was like quite stunned lor. I got noticed that their greetings, when we entered the cafe, were rather slow lor. They kept stealing glances at ILS. Then that waitress who took our order finally gathered up her courage to ask ILS if she was an actress. ILS "demurely" said no lor. Then that waitress said in a loud voice to her colleagues (in Chinese), "She say she's not actress." LOL. No wonder the waitresses were sneaking peeks at ILS. Actress eating dinner with her very pai kuah male friend. Wah! The paparazzi is going to have a field day sia. LOL I was grinning like an idiot throughout their conversation. Wah! I ate dinner with an actress leh! Must boast to everyone I know. Hahaha. Then hor the waitress that clear our table after we finished also try to double-confirm with ILS that she's not an actress. Wah seh! ILS shiok like siao sia. LOL.


At 5:44 pm, March 13, 2009, Blogger Kevin said...

Don't worry!!!


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