Santa's Story

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good & Bad News of 20/11/2008

I have two matters to blog about today. First matter is good news. Today is the PSLE result-released day. My P6 kids all passed. Yipee! Results for some were a bit disappointing lor. But then bo bian lah, no use crying over spilt milk lor, they just have to work harder when they reach secondary school.

Second matter is not so good news lor. If you recall 2 entries back, I blogged about E2's persistence borrowing of my money to pay for her/his debts. Guess what! That f****r just throw 2 bills at me and want me to help him pay first. Arghh...........I really don't think I can last till March '09 even. 1 bill is for the insurance of the black lancer ($1,558.96) and the next bill is for the road tax of the black lancer ($367). After including the 1.9K she/he still owe me and the 4K that I'm "suppose" to lend him/her, she/he would be owing me about 8K liao. It's 3/4 of my saving now. I don't think I can last till March '09. She/he keep insisting that when her/his personal annuity of $36K matured in March '09, she/he will repaid the loan. Sigh........I hate it when she/he takes me for an idiot. The annuity was taken up in 2004. Those who know how to calculate the future value of annuity due, please tell me how is it possible for the annuity to generate 36K within 4 years given the present market condition.

You know the situation is so bad that I'm now not even able to spare any extra cash to treat an ex-colleague, who is retiring, to a farewell makan. This colleague help me a lot when I was in MOE but now.......sigh........want to cry liao................

Btw, now the word "You pay first." has become a taboo word in my vocabulary. F**k Y** I Pay First!


At 9:58 am, November 24, 2008, Blogger Obi Wan said...

Mrs Lee said she will blanja u. If u not shy, you can say yes.

At 9:58 am, November 24, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blanja you lah...dun worry...

At 1:12 pm, November 24, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:46 pm, November 24, 2008, Blogger Obi Wan said...

Not shy one

At 11:47 pm, November 25, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lesson #1 (As taught by Obi Wan)
Thou shall not be shy.

Lesson #2 (As taught by Obi Wan)
Thou must be thick-skinned.


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