Santa's Story

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Increase in Car Insurance Premium

My car insurance expiring this May. I've just received the renewal notice. Bloody hell! They are asking for $6K+!!!! My bank balance is now $8K+, after paying the insurance, I'll be left with $2K+ and after paying my SIM's July semester school fees, I'll be left with less than $400. How am I going to pay my car's monthly installments? Idiot lah! I mean I expected my premium to increase for getting into 2 accidents within a year but I didn't ask to get into that 2 accidents leh. I'm just plain "sway" this year lor, especially my second accident, I stopped behind a car at a jam also can give people langkar my backside. I not trying to argue they shouldn't increase my premium because of my "sway-ness" but increase to $6k+ is too much liao! They may as well as go and rob the bank better. Actually I don't really see the point of them increasing the premium by so much, as far as I know, I don't remembered reading any of the insurance companies making losses last year leh! In fact I remembered reading somewhere they are making profits leh, some companies were even giving out "hugh" bonuses last year.

So I'm seriously considering selling my car by May. I can't think of a better solution to this problem. So people who are going to to persuade me to drop this idea better shut your mouth unless you are willing to service my car loan and insurance for me for the next 1 year. Recommendations of good car agent are highly appreciated.


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