Santa's Story

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Graduate Loh!!!!!!

Today, I had my convocation in SIM. I'm now a full-fledged Bachelor of Business.

Other than that time when I went to collect and test-fit my gown, today is the first time I wore the gown for close to 5 hours. Damn hot leh. Thinking twice about getting a Masters degree liao. After today, I can never understand how some people (especially that blue thingy) will want to go for Masters. The heat that gathered in your gown when you stepped out into the open is not worth it wan lor. Don't think I can tahan wearing that gown again. LOL.

Even though today is my convocation ceremony, I found that there were still many things that I can learn today. Firstly, I learnt that the next time I asked my parents to turn their mobile to silent mode, I got to make sure they hang the mobiles around their neck or put them at places that they can feel the vibrations when they have incoming calls. After the ceremony, my parents complained that they could not take any photos of me during the ceremony because they were sitting at the wrong end of the hall. Not my fault ok. When I entered the hall at 1.15pm and I found my seat which was at the extreme left of the hall, I did try calling them several time to inform them that when they entered the hall they should sit near the extreme left of the hall. This was because, during the conferment ceremony, all the graduands will form 1 line on the extreme right and extreme left of the hall . During the ceremony, two names were called each time. The first name was for the recipient stepping up from the left and the second name was for the recipient stepping up from the right. Then when our names are called, each of us from each side would step onto the stage, at the same time, to receive our degree. The left will received their degree from the chancellor, while the right would receive their degree from the vice-chancellor. As fate has it, my parents totally "ignored my calls" and went to sit on the extreme right of the hall so they had no idea I was a "left-winger". So when my name was called they focused all their attention on the right side of the hall lor. They then realised that that guy in their camera's screen looks "strangely unfamiliar" lor. It was at that moment that they realised I was coming up from the left. When they switched to the left, I had already long-gone by then.

Second thing I learnt was that, prior to asking them to switch their mobiles to 'silent', I should have arrange a meet-up point with my parents to meet-up after the ceremony. Today after the ceremony, I felt like I was one of the child survivor of the 2006's Tsunami lor. I had to go around the whole SIM looking at all the faces to find them lor. Plus I forgot to remind them to 'un-silent' their mobile once they set out of the hall, so my frantic calls were all unanswered lor. It was really a sight lor. A 30+ guy walking aimlessly like a tsunami orphan searching for his lost parents. The only thing missing today were the child's tears and his frantic pleading for his parents. Kanasai lor. When I finaly managed to get hold of my dad, as per his usual habit, he gave me a super vague direction of his location. Basically, he told me he was in the centre in the food area i.e. tea reception area. Erm........he was not helpful at all lor. There were about 525 graduands during my ceremony today. All of them, plus their parents, siblings, children, grandparents, relatives and loved-ones were clustered in and around the tea reception area. By telling me he was in the centre of the reception area, he was been "damn helpful" lor. He was seriously expecting a four-eyes to be able to spot him among the 1000+ people. Erm......four eyes leh....... With that crowd, I don't even think a healthy 2-eyes can do it lor. He called, 20 minutes later, and told me they were now next to the POSB ATM. When I finally found them, I realised his definition of 'next' is like saying Singapore is next to Siberia. Wah lau eh! They were nowhere remotely near to the POSB ATM lor. Really shake head leh, kenna him. 8-)

I'll be putting up more of my convocation photos on my Facebook. So those "concerned" readers may want to check them out there.


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