Santa's Story

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Analysis of cliches in SIM

After attending lectures at SIM for 3 days, I've finally completed my very own analysis of the cliches in the lecture theatre. (Yes! I know I'm being boliao, ok.) Based on my very "professional" analysis, I have found there to be 5 category of cliches in my cohort.

The 1st category are those just-ORD groups. They are very easily to spot as they, 98% of the time, will be wearing NS-related T-shirts and/or talking and/or reminiscing about their "glory" days in Thailand and Brunei. I was kind of tempted to approached them to talk about my remaining few high-keys (1 hand can count liao) and my trip to Wallaby in 2003.

The 2nd category will be the just-graduated from poly groups. This group are usually made up of girls (though not exclusively). They are the brunch that just graduated from the local polys. And they are normally the most vocal during breaks and, if you sway, during lectures (gossiping). In day 1, I overheard there's a girl in this group that is currently working as a relief sec school teacher in her previous sec school. I could overheard her today complaining about the difficulties in controlling her class during the break. Been there! Done that! Conquer them! I was kind of tempted to approached her to impart my "wisdom" in controlling her class. But then I thought I better keep my mouth to myself due to 2 reasons. Reason #1, I'm not friend-friend with her. Reason #2, I was a pri sch teacher, not sec sch teacher, I've learnt a bit on how to handle sec sch kids in NIE (but not much) so I can explain the teenager's mentality to her but I can't give her any constructive class management skills for her class. Plus she may not buy my advice, given that I was an ex-pr sch teacher.

The 3rd category will be the 2nd year SIM-RMIT groups. This group formed about 30% - 40 % of my cohort. Their groups went through their 1st year together thus their cliche are very well-organised (delegation of duties for collecting and learning materials were observed.)

The 4th category, which formed not more than 10% - 15% of my cohort, will be the working adults with at least 1 year of working experience. They are normally the last few to enter the lecture theatre since they have to rush down from their workplace. I really take my hats off them as we have lessons till 10pm and it will be about 10 plus before they can reached home. Very shiok life lor! I really 'hormat' them.

The 5th category, and also the last category, kannasai group. This group normally consists of people who are very nerdy and are not working and are always able to find/give the correct answers in class and are usually able to pick up the lesson faster than rest. And a very interesting phenomenon can be observed around this group. For some reason, at least 2 seats on this group's left and right will be unoccupied. Till date, scientists are still studying this phenomenon and they still can't find a solution to this. Oh yeah! Did I tell you so far there is only one member in this group. There's me! Sit nearer to me leh! I promise I won't bite, swallow maybe, but definitely not bite! 8)


At 12:33 am, July 05, 2007, Blogger Obi Wan said...

I want to study tooo....


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