Santa's Story

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Sighing a Relief After a Busy April

Yo people! Sorry for not updating my blog since 1st April. Damn busy leh the month of April. Project due during the 1st 2 weeks of April. Then must help my tuition kids prepare for their exams in late April and early May. On top of that, my own SIM exams also around the same period so I must also "pretend to be studious" mah. Today I just finished my last paper. Can finally slag for a while lor, though my kids' exams only finished next week.

Today I sat for that tax paper that I flunked last semester lor. Not good feeling after I finished leh. I can't complete leh. The stupid partnership question too many details to explain liao took me almost 2 1/2 hrs out of 3 hours to do leh, so out of 4 questions, I only managed to answer 2 1/2 qns. Die lah. Worst part is I explain 1/2 way then realise I forgot to include calculate 1 of capital allowance (CA) for 1 of the asset, so last minute calculate the CA but I never put in the new figures cuz, if I put in, I'll need to change many of the related figures. No time to do recalculate for them liao. Now I just pray I can heng-heng scrap thru, I happy liao.

The organisational behaviour paper still not too bad loh. Only answered 6 out of the required 8 questions but should be able to b/s my way to a passing mark lor.

The financial planning paper I managed to answered 4 out of the required 5 qns lor. The last question is on the Financial Advisers Act (FAA), which I never memorised when I was revising as the FAA as thick as 2 assessment books. You'll go siao memorising it wan lor. Therefore that question I can't answered lor. I completed the 4 questions with almost 45 minutes to spare but I know I can't answer that last question wan, so I submitted my script earlier lor. Didn't see the point of freezing in the Grand Hall for next 45 minutes for the super remote chance that I can think out some points to write when I didn't even studied that FAA when I was revising. Hence, my chance of passing this paper should be about 60% lor if all goes well.

Anyway, I got to meet up with sushi-chan a.s.a.p. to receive my mochi before they turned to mould-chi lor. LOL.


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