Santa's Story

Monday, May 25, 2009

WhiteSands Day

Inspiration hits, so here I am blogging again. LOL. Nothing happens much from my last entry till this. Just the same routine everyday, kind of sian of it liao. I met up if Sushi-san last Thursday. Normally our catch-up sessions only happens like once every 3-4 weeks, this time though I was a bit surprised when she asked me to meet-up as we had just met-up the week before. Anyway, we met-up and went to Wan Chai Hong Kong Tea Room at WhiteSands lor. I normally don't do this but I'll strongly discourage you from visiting that cafe lor. The service we had that day was terrible and the food portion was extremely "rationed". They serve us our food but totally forgotten about our drinks. When we enquired with the waitress, she pretended to be surprised and said "They haven't serve you your drinks yet? I'll go checked with them." Damn lame lor! She's the only server and waitress there, what do she means "they". There only 4 tables that were occupied that time. How difficult was it to remember which table's order had been served or not. Best part was I was sitting facing their beverage preparation counter, I saw the two staffs there chit-chatting with both hands free. This means that they have forgotten about our drinks order liao lor. It can't be that they were using other limbs to prepare the drinks while they were talking with their hands free. If that's true, I seriously have doubts over the hygiene of the drinks that was served to us. Must go for stomach pump sia!

Other than the awful service and food we received, our time were quite well-spend bitching lor. Sushi-san was so "enthusiastic" bitching about her sisters when suddenly she spotted 1 of her sis about 20 metres away walking towards us. LOL. I have never seen such "rapid" expression change on her lor. Classic sia! Should have video-ed it down to blackmail her. Wasted lah, too slow.


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