Santa's Story

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cars' Talk

I'll be taking my driving practical test in about 2 months time. Hope I'll pass the test this time round. The last time I took it was in 2000. Strike curb at the directional changer part. Tester said I mount the curb. Lazy to argue with him. Accepted that immediate failure he gave.

Anyway, hope that I this time round I'll make it lor. So far my performance during my driving lessons has been quite good lor. Not perfect but already got chance to pass liao. I'm taking school this time round. Most of the instructors are satisfied with my performance, except one idiotic instructor who took me during my 3rd lesson. Apparently, he is not happy with my progress. He felt that I'm progressing too fast. 3rd lesson and I'm already out on the road. He nit-pick at my gear change, clutch control, time to speed, stopping distance, etc. In short, whatever I do also was wrong in his eyes. Bloody Pariyah! That Chow Turtle! That lesson was so stress for me! Almost had an accident when I was on the road. I'm very buay song with that f****r lor. If he felt my basic driving skills are not there then make me drive in the circuit or at some less congested roads. That m*****f****r made me drove at those congested roads, plus it was a rainy day. KNNBCCB! I don't want to get him again! Fortunately, all the others instructors were not like him. I mean I made mistakes here and there but to be as bad as he claimed I was, I serious don't agree.

Anyway putting that bad experience aside, now I'm researching cars that I can buy once I pass my test. Hmmm...which car should I go for? I've done some extensive research on the net and I've narrowed down my pick to either a Honda City 1.5 VTEC or a Subaru Impreza 1.6I or Suzuki Swift Sports 1.6. Still can't confirm which will be best suited for me without a test-drive. So I really have to wait till I got my licence then after my test-driving then I can confirm which car I getting lor. Any suggestions for a good buy?

During test-drive day, I'm going to bring my entire family, squeeze into the test-drive car because I wanna see how the cars performed under full-load condition. See if the car have any difficulties in turning corners, stopping, accelerating and speeding. Quite important to me lor since I may have to drive my entire family from times to times. And this is something I'm almost 99.999% sure BMW didn't do when he test-drove his Renault. 8)


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