Santa's Story

Friday, October 12, 2007

Blog! Blog! Blog!

A certain "small mistress forced" me to update my blog. So I have no choice, blog blog, blog.

1st I have to say sorry to all my "faithful" readers for not updating my blog for the past 2 months. I've been quite busy during this past 2 months. Got quite a few project deadline due during this period + my tuition kids were having their SA2 compo, oral and LC around this period, so I got to "torture" them before their test date. Quite tiring lor, doing the project & torturing kids at the same time. The quite 'siong' project was the management accounting (MA) project cuz we had to prepare for a report plus a group presentation.

Luckily, today is the last day I need to fret about my project lor (at least for a few months) cuz today I presented and submitted my MA project (last project for this semester). My presentation ok, lor. I bull-shit a lot lor. My kakis said I very 'steady boom pee pee', so I think the bull-shit should be quite not bad lor. Must give credit to NIE for training me in "bull-shitting" techniques lor. Without NIE, I don't think I can do so steady. On this note, I must also apologised to the groups 7 & 8 who presented after me lor. What happen was my group, group 6, was the last group before we go for a tea-break, so after my group presentation, being the last presenter, I turned the portable mike to mute lor. After break, the group 7 & 8 were presenting without the mike lor. And I was still puzzled how come they never used the mike. I only realised my "mistake" when group 9's 1st presenter turned off the mute before her presentation. Sorry ah group 7 & 8! And for your info group 7 & 8 were male groups, not sure if it means anything. Hehehe 8)


At 12:33 am, October 16, 2007, Blogger Obi Wan said...

Good boy!


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