Santa's Story

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hair Bitching

For the past few weeks, I've been holding my tongue from commenting about the hairstyle of one of classmate in my lecture. I don't want to talk about people's hairdo but he always like to sit in the row in front of me so when I look at the lecturer his "jia lat" hairstyle will "distract me lor. I really can't take it now. I mean I'm never against the hairstyle of other people but this guy (yup, it's a guy), I feel that he really have a problem lor. What irks me is that he like to jell his hair till the 'last strand standing'. Quite a number of my fellow classmates do that too and it look quite cool or suave on them but this hairstyle is seriously not for this guy lor. From my observation so far, this fellow is either balding at a young age (he should be in his mid twenty) or he has "sparse population" of hair all along. So when he jelled his hair, wau lau eh, you can see his scap from a higher elevation. i.e. my seat. It is so damn obvious. His scap is so bald that there's enough spare between each strands of hair for me to navigate my pencil around his head and my pencil also won't touch any of his hair. He really need to change his hairdo or "grow more trees". 8)

Oh yeah! On a separate note, due to my "obviously interesting" posting, Smurfie said she want to come along during one of my lectures, during her term break, to join me for lecture. I gladly welcome her lor. "Small" master leh! Dun play, play ah! With her around, during the dull moments of the lecture, at least I have a companion to bitch with. Plus knowing her she will correct the "angmo" of the lecturers lor. Hahaha....YC and Audrey if you are reading this, please don't be offended. I dun mean I can't bitch with you people, it just that she and I are super (really super kind) "bitching" kakis from my teaching day. We have a rapport when it comes to "bitching". Hahahaha 8)

But hor, I taking a business course leh. I remember when she was doing her UNISIM, she complained (times power to infinitely) about her business modules. Wau lau eh! She come for my lectures, won't she be bored out of her skull? I think she may even snore during the lecture sia! Hahaha 8D


At 9:49 pm, August 16, 2007, Blogger Obi Wan said...


1. I am not your bitchinh buddy!!! I don't bitch. I give VALUABLE information to a selected group of people whom I believe deserve the enlightenment.

2. I LOVED my business modules. Just couldn't stand the tutors and lecturers. So yaya-papaya.

At 8:11 am, October 11, 2007, Blogger Obi Wan said...



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