Santa's Story

Friday, July 13, 2007

Luna Lovegood Rules!!!!

I was teaching tuition when my "very understanding" younger brother called me numerous time on my mobile. I've turned my mobile to the silent mode before the commencement of my teaching but the numerous vibrations were kind of irritating. They were kind of near a certain part of the body you know. I didn't pick up my mobile then as I was in the midst of my lesson. I returned the call to my brother after the lesson after I got out of my student's house, having a mind to "gently scream" at him for the "irritations". He told me he have to "irritate" me as he was booking online tickets for the Harry Potter movie and he wanted to know if I in or out and the tickets were going fast. Kannasai! Now then ask me, should have ask me at 6am in the morning mah. Why so late then ask me? Anyway, I said I was in lor. And we all adjourned to Cineleisure to catch the movie at 10+ pm.

Verdict: I didn't read the HP books so I can't really say if the movie is authentic or not. But I've been following the characters summary on the HP fansites and I'm really impressed with the actress for Luna Lovegood. She totally rocks man!!! She is just as the summary described. Serene, pretty and quirky. I like! But there's one thing I don't like about this movie. I thought the feel of the scenario where the kiss between HP and Cho happened was kind of strange. I mean I know and can see that they like each other. But I thought when people "conduct CPR" on one another they will at least having been dating for a while. I don't know about the book but in the movie they really didn't seems to have dated lor. I mean just by teaching your fellow schoolmate and classmates lessons, you can kiss liao meh. I thought was a bit fake lor. Like that I kanna kiss don't know how many time liao. Wait!! Kannasai! It just occured to me I have been shortchanged! Chio bu's you all owe me a kiss!!!!


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