Santa's Story

Monday, July 09, 2007

Just Follow "Law"

I went for my S'pore Company Law lecture today. The lecturer is from Australia but he got Welsh background so his "angmoh" pronunciation has a very strange ending sound. I could also hear that he pronunciation is very nasal. And for some weird reason, his pitch would suddenly squeak without warning. This subject is already quite dry, plus his unique accent, Wau lau, I almost wanted to die "law". It took me a while to understand his "angmoh". Even then there's were parts when I really have no idea what was he talking about. At break time, I could overheard people behind me commenting that they caught no ball what he was talking about. Sigh! This is going to be very "law" semester "law". 8) But to give the lecturer some credit, he can make very good imitation of American English (AmE) and British English (BE) and I understood him better when he went into his AmE mode.

Oh yeah! Didn't see my "fantasy" chiobu today. Wondered where she went? 8)


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