Santa's Story

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Struck by Stupidity

I still remember in one of my past entries I blogged about my "impossible mission" to arrange a 2nd date with my blind date girl. It happens that today, while I was giving tuition, I received a sms from the blind date middle-lady stating that the blind date is waiting for me to message her to arrange another date with her. i.e. I still got chance.

So being an idiotic buffoon, I messaged that blind date girl to ask for another date and jokingly mentioned the info I received. Big mistake. The messages replied by the blind date girl were rather cold and hostile.

After conferencing with my "romance advisor", I came to realise that I may have hurt her ego when I jokingly mentioned the message from the middle-lady. Sigh......I didn't meant to do that......I was just trying to add humour to my message......Sigh......Really blew it this time......Even apologising also cannot recover back liao.

Come to think of it now, my "humorous message" sound kind of like the jokes a certain BMW will crack when his love-interest is in sight......Siao liao lah! Blew my chances already bad enough liao. Now I'm resembling BMW in my message! I want to perform the Seppuku on myself liao. 8(


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