Santa's Story

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year & 2008's Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone! Extremely happy for me cuz, for the 1st time in 5 years, I NO NEED go back to school after the new year. So shiok man! Ok, I shall stop gloating about my good fortune here, in case certain people start giving me the evil eyes and cold shoulders.

Anyway, I was reading TT's blog and I saw her 2008's resolutions. Quite interesting. So I shall make 1 too.

2008 Resolutions
  1. Got to find some way to lose some inches (at least 1 inch) from my waist. (Expanded quite a lot since my NS days liao. Must do something before I become obese.)
  2. Pass my chin-up for once in 10 years. (About time I break my "zero-fighter" status.)
  3. Level-up my GE characters to level 100 by the end of 2008.
  4. Pack the "pig-sty" I call me room. (Damn difficult task. I got like 4 years of teaching materials dump in my room, havn't found the place to re-dump them yet. Any volunteers for space?)
  5. Get a steady girlfriend, if heaven permits. (No rush for me actually. Just need to do something to stop that irritating dad from nagging at me again in 2008. Apparently, he keep insisting that it my fault that no girls like me. He said it is due to my bad temper. Me bad temper? You must be joking. My temper so nice. Hahaha)

Ok 5 resolutions, good enough liao. If make too much then can't do it by year-end, very low morale wan. Wah! Now i look at it, I feel like I'm setting my targets for my work review. Noooo.......... 8(


At 8:56 pm, January 04, 2008, Blogger Mohd Sufian said...

ehem..for resolution no.2,wanna go to Tampines Gym with me?


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