Santa's Story

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I'm Sick!

I wasn't feeling very well this morning when I woke up. Got cough, a bit sore throat and a "marathon" nose. I think I'm having the early symptoms of flu. Sway man. I wanted to just stay at home and rot my flu away. But alas, I've already made plans with my SIM kakis to go out do our project and then go watch movie lor. So bo pian lor. Went out did part of the project and then caught the "Ah Long Pte Ltd" at Marina. Whole day used the panadol cold to tahan but now run out of panadol cold liao. Die man! Need to go find some drugs to stop that nose. It has been running non-stop. Very good stamina. My nose join Olympic marathon bao win gold medal wan lor. Good thing is the movie damn funny lor. I can understand all the jokes in the movie. Very (x10) funny lor. Took me off my sickness for a while, laughing very hard at some gags in the show.

Oh yeah. I just receive news from TT that BMW has broke off his friendship with TT over what TT wrote in her blog. The whole incident happen because BMW suddenly sent a very strange message to TT. With TT's approval, I shall now quote words for words from his texts, but names mentioned in his text has been given fake names in italic to protect the innocents.


















Still here? Busybody! If anything happen to your head or backside, don't blame me. I gave you warning to warn you liao. You die die want to read. You handle your own sufferings.

Oh Yeah! Before I continue, what I wrote here is not meant or attempting to offend / insult / smear anyone's reputation, or anything like-wise. I just want to bring to light the problem that a person may have failed to see or visualise. So don't come and sue me!
1st sms by BMW:

"Pal, I ask u a biology question. My David ask how sperm enter the female I told him briefly through Anus insertion. Alice sae wrong! Issit it anus to Vigina?!"

I almost die laughing when TT show me this. I mean he can't be serious he didn't know, right? I mean even if you never take biology in Secondary School or JC, but don't tell me you go NS also never learn. Even if school & NS never teach, when you watched "artistic" VCD, you will also know wan mah. Unless those he watched were those.......... Plus, that David he mentioned I remembered he should be in P4 this year (unless I remembered wrongly). I'm also tutoring a P4 kid in science, I don't recall the topic reproduction is in the P4 old and new syllabus. I know in P5 old & new science syllabus then got learn. Anyway, I even try to help BMW by explaining to TT maybe he really don't know mah, so he asked lor. But like TT said in her blog, erm....34+ still don't know, a bit strange lor. So I told TT to ignore him & don't reply to his sms if she is really offended by his sms lor. But being the "kind-hearted" TT, she sms back, "Go check p5 txtbk". Then BMW sms another message to TT.

2nd sms by BMW:

"But I correct rite Alice sae I wrong. She din koe its anus to virgina.. I mean its general knowledge like I v goo doo..."

Wah piang! He can't be serious. "Anus to virgina", then baby come out from urinary tract ah?!!! Can't help him liao. I told TT to just ignore that fellow lor. But I guess TT kept brooding over his smses and I guess she finally buay tahan liao, so she blog about it lor. And our "classic fellow" smsed this to TT.

3rd sms by BMW:

"You must have mistaken my intention. My mistake was to ask u which was wrong, I thot being friend I can ask u without going to the textbk, waste time. It is not so, I m sorry again. Well, u have make it clear its end of this friendship. I will respect it so it will be. Won't bother u again. U take care...byebye"

Wah! He's really "classic" lor. I mean, in TT's blog, she never even mentioned BMW by name or by abbreviation. She had quite tactfully written it without using names, however by acknowledging it to TT, won't that prove TT's case. And TT never in her blog mentioned anything about ending her friendship with him. That fellow ah! I have a funny feeling, if he chance upon this entry, he'll also give me the same "classic" end-of-friendship sms or phone call lor. But even if he want to end our friendship, I also must caution him this lor. I've asked around (ok lah, only 1 guy, my reservist kaki, a lawyer), according to the "MISCELLANEOUS OFFENCES (PUBLIC ORDER AND NUISANCE) ACT (CHAPTER 185)" of Singapore, BMW can be sued in court under Section 13A & 13B of this law for harassment. No joke wan, you can check this up on the net! And because this law is part of the Penal Code (i.e. criminal in nature), the state (i.e. police's lawyer) will be sue-ing him, not TT. So BMW was really close lor. If TT had taken action, BMW won't be so free to sms his "classic" message wan lor. Of course, BMW can retort "What I did wasn't harassment!" Let me point out the 2 main points in his problem. 1st point, the recipient of his sms is a person of the opposite sex. According to the law, as long as this person felt that the message is offensive to him/her, he/she can make a police report and the police will "do the honour" of charging BMW in court. 2nd point, TT don't need to prove that the sms is a harassment, the responsibility is on BMW's side to prove that it is NOT a harassment. In BMW's case, taken into consideration he's 34+ man, it will be very difficult to argue otherwise lor. I mean it's like you go to a supermarket, you take a bottled drink, without asking, you will know that if you walk out of supermarket now, you will be charged for shoplifting. You don't need anyone to remind you to pay before leaving wat. Same principles applies to BMW's case, by his age now, he should know anal insertion will never reach virginal. It's really very difficult, near impossible, to argue he didn't know. The judge won't accept don't know as a reason.

So BMW you know your problem already? Like I said don't sue me!