Santa's Story

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

1st Mock Driving Test

Today for my driving lesson, the instructor gave me a mock of the actual driving test. Not bad. Failed the test. Hahaha. 8) Made 5 mistakes only, but they were damn expensive lor. Cost me 40 demerit points. Hehehe....

1st mistake, struck down the 1 of the back pole when I was reversing for my parallel parking. Damn heavy rain, ok. I was straining my eyes to see where's that pole when I heard it fell. Kannasai! Cost me 10 points there. Good thing is the instructor said, other then that mistake, my parking was perfect. Applause please! Thank you...thank you... 8)

2nd & 3rd mistake, out on the road, I stopped the car near the pedestrian crossing line at two separate junctions. Hahaha..... Each time I was waiting for the car in front to turn right so that I can turn right too, when the traffic lights turned amber. Siao liao, if I chiong then I know sure minus points wan lor. So I braked lor but my car was already over the stop line, but before the pedestrian crossing line, liao. Sian siao. Kanna deducted 10 points each time. But, during the review, the instructor said actually these deductions at that situation is quite subjective wan lor, Some tester will deduct, some won't, but he deducted to pay safe.

4th mistake, having kanna deducted 20 points, I decided to chiong at amber. Kannasai! Deducted 8 points.

5th mistake, when I was crossing a hump, I used gear 3 instead of the required gear 2. So kanna deducted 2 points.

During the review, the instructor told me that actually my mistakes were mainly careless mistakes, still correctable. I just need to be more careful the next time when I'm reversing, plus moderating and toning-down my acceleration of the car as I approached a junction, I should be able to prevent my 2nd & 3rd mistake from occurring again. Overall, he couldn't find fault with my driving. He was quite happy with my circuit performance. Every station I did it swee swee, other than that struck down pole incident, of course. He said he was actually surprised when I continued to reverse the car somemore that time, because my car was already perfectly centred and straighthen in the lot. Wah piang! I felt so stupid when I heard him said that. 8)


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