Santa's Story

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Qualified Unethical Accountant

Just checked my results today. I passed all my subjects this semester. Yippee! I thought I'll failed my tax again. Thank God, thank Jesus, thank Mother Mary, thank Holy Spirit............

Anyway by passing all my subjects this semester, I'm now left with only 1 subject to take next semester. This means I'm now a qualified "unethical" accountant. WorldCom, Enron, HIH, AIG please recruit me. I promise I will work very hard to increase your profits using all "creative" methods. Must quickly recruit me hor, cuz I'm taking my Accounting Ethics next semester, if I pass then I must be an ethical accountant liao.


At 7:21 am, June 05, 2009, Blogger Obi Wan said...



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