Santa's Story

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Aftermath to a Previous Entry

Yesterday, I met TT on the MSN. Chatted with her for a while. She said one of my blog entry was very hilarious. She said she laugh and laugh until stomachache. Hmm...Wonder if she was laughing at my "poor" English or was she laughing at that something else in that entry. Anyway, thank you TT for your compliment.

TT also told me why she thought the smses were "disturbing" to her. According to TT, apparently there was another sms that was sent to her previously by this "classic poet". Therefore, she came to the conclusion that "the poet" was trying to be "funny". It happened few years back when she was still in her previous job. She was with her best friend, TV, when she received this message from the "poet". (Note: Fictitious name has been used to protect the innocent in this sms.)

"I got a physical defect, even Charlie tease me becuz of it and my ex left me becuz i'm short."

It took them both some time before they understood this message. This was because "the poet" is taller than 1.70m, which is considered quite tall for "shorties" like TT and TV. Therefore, after eliminating the possibility that "the poet" was talking about his physical height, they both came to the conclusion that "the poet" was in fact talking about another physical body part that is normally measured in inches by people. (That's as far as I can write. Anymore descriptive this entry will be rated 'RA' and cause the reader's face to kanna a pimple plague on their backside. So use your own "coconut" and imagine for yourself what I'm trying to describe.)

Wah piang eh! I really must hand it to this "poet"! I think he may be trying to be humorous and joked about his "short"coming. But, please lah, no one joke about it this way to a peer who's from the opposite sex. Furthermore, there're many untrue in this sms. Let me point them out.

1st error can be found in the phrase ".........even Charlie tease me becuz of it.......". Wah lao eh! Cannot take it man! I must rectify something for our guy population hor. When we, guys, go toilet to do our "small business", none of us will be so boliao as to peek over to the other side to look at other people "short"coming. This is because we will be busy looking at our own to ensure a "smooth delivery". Even if we happen to see a bit of other's "shortcoming, it will be a quick glance lasting not more that half-a-sec, because of the "what you have, I also have" mentality. People that stare and analysis at other people "you know what" in the toilet for longer than half-a sec are either gay or he's a urology doctor. Furthermore, the "you know what" is very elastic wan lor. It reaches different lengths and sizes depending on the weather, room temperature, people and occasion. (Not sure about other people but mine do.) Thus it is not possible for Charlie to be able to make any comments or tease about the "short"coming, unless our "classic poet" like to flash his "you know what" and asked people to see or comment lor. If there's the case, then he had only himself to blame lor.

2nd error can be found in the phrase "........and my ex left me becuz i'm short". I shook my head after I reading at this part of the sms because our "poet" made two mistakes here. 1st mistake, by telling people that your ex left you because you are short, you are indirectly telling people that your ex saw your "you know what" before. This means that you were both "under-dressed" at certain time of your relationship. This also means that our "poet" can't act naive in the future with regards to the "you know what". Plus there is only 1 way that a girl can know the length of her boyfriend's "you know what", which is to find a quiet location and ................see for themselves. It is definitely not possible to visually estimate her boyfriend's "you know what" when he is "well-dressed". This is because, just like there're ways to enhance a girl's certain body part, the length of a guy's "you know what" can also be enhanced visually. For more information on this kind of "visual enhancement", watch the DVD "Deuce Bigalow 2" and then go to the market to buy the recommended enhancement organic materials. 2nd mistake this "poet" did was to reveal to another girl that his "you know what" is short. This is because fate is a very strange thing, although you two are ordinary friends now, but few day / weeks / years down the road you two may hitched up with each other. (Yes I know, the thought of TT and the "poet" hitching up together is not a pretty sight but bear with me for awhile.) Therefore revealing your "short"coming secret to another girl will seriously diminished your chance of hitching up with the girl as this secret will be used against you. 8-)