Santa's Story

Monday, March 03, 2008

Boliao entry 03/03

Last Saturday, after my tuition in Bedok, I realised my mobile's battery was going flat liao but it still had 5% power left in the battery. Now I'm one of those jokers that will only charge the battery when it's 100% flat. So in a "desperate" attempt to use up the remaining 5% power, I began sms-chatted with TT. Our topic mainly revolves around how come TT's parents can recognised BMW at 201 few days back. When I raise this question to her, TT told me that she also don't know why they know it's BMW leh. Upon "further intensive" questioning by me, she suggested a rather long-winded reason. (Bear with me for awhile.) Few years back, TT was on MC for "kissing the drain". BMW and HKK visited TT at home that time (no idea how come they never "chio" me along, may have something going on between both of them). Anyway, TT's parents were not at home that time. So when they learnt about the visit, they asked TT to describe BMW & HKK's "attractive" features to them. TT must had given them a very good description of their features because few days back, when TT's parents was in 201, they immediately recognised BMW and HKK. Don't play, play ah! TT's description skills! Scary siao! Erm...on the other hand TT, if your parents asked about my features, can you like describe only the good features? Say something like "He's very handsome........very suave.....very gentleman.....(insert good adjectives)" Keep out the not so nice part, ok? I buy you kopi next time we meet. Hahaha 8-)

Btw, certain "blue thingy cum willy's fan" has been "begging" me to shut-down my shout box. Reason being, her Internet connection's speed is comparable to a tortise / snail so it takes quite long for my blog page to upload on her screen. Erm.....Sorry lor......Hahaha....Cannot.......Not my shout box's problem leh.......It's your connection problem lah........Even if I shut it down, my blog will still take "years" to upload on your screen wan wat. 8-)


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