Santa's Story

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Trip to the Airport

Today, my sister-in-law and I went to the airport to send my dad off. He's going to Vietnam with his colleagues on a company-sponsored trip. His flight was for 4.05pm so we reached the airport slightly before 12.40pm, had our lunch at the food-court at T1 and then sat around there for like 50 minutes before we went up to the departure level of the airport. Upon reaching the departure level, I guided my dad to the counter where he needs to check in. (Yes, he needed guiding. His "internal GPS" is damn jia lat wan. He can't even remember T1 is the old terminal or new terminal.) Anyway, when we reach the counter at 2pm (Check-in should be at 2.05pm), my dad was kind of horrified to note that none of his colleagues were there. Fortunately, his colleagues managed to arrive at around 2.15pm. So he was "shoo off" by me at around 2.20pm.

Now as I was supposed to meet the "very busy" TT for kopi at the airport later at 5 plus, I thought it will be rather stupid to go back home then come later to meet her. Plus I kind of miss "ogling" the SIA girls, so I decided to wait around the airport doing my "CCA" while waiting for TT to arrive. Then it hit me that I have not been to the T3 yet. So off to T3 I went. Not bad, quite nicely built, though I found some strange construction designs in T3. For example, I found a glass door behind a shop that is supposed to block entry into a small corridor that is behind the shop. The funny / strange part was that when I walk round the front of this shop to the other side, I came to this glass door. So I made me wonder if the door is supposed to block entry or is it just a design flaw by the architect.

Maybe due to its newness, T3 is quite quiet lor. I was expecting to be able to "bio" some flight attendant "chio bu" there, but alas, there were only some ground crew working there and their "certain aspect" didn't meet my requirement lor. Kind of sian sia! Then, just as I was resigning myself to just admiring the taking-off and landing of the airplanes in the T3's viewing gallery, TT sms-ed me to inform that she had to "release my aeroplane" again. Wah very busy leh, TT! Anyway, the next time we meet up, I'm expecting an expensive "raw seafood" treat from you hor. (Hint......hint.....) Don't pretend, pretend hor. I don't want sushi, I want the other one "really raw seafood". So busy must mean piggy bank must also be very "busy" lah. Just a few trays of "really raw seafood" shouldn't kill your piggy wan lor. Hohoho............. 8-)


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