Santa's Story

Saturday, March 08, 2008


I had very busy this weeks and the week before. Reasons been I have 1 group project to submit on this coming Monday, 1 group project presentation to give this coming Thursday and a Business Finance test the Tuesday after next. The worst part is that both group projects are with 2 different groups of kakis, so sometimes have to rush around like a headless chicken on certain days to meet up with both groups. Quite tiring leh! Can't wait for the holidays to start in May. Sigh.....Still have to wait long long. Kind of envious of my students as starting today they will be on 9 days of term break. Sian mu si le!

Yesterday went to one of the kaki's house to do the project. As we were typing our info into our notebooks and PCs, we were chit-chatting. Somehow the topic shifted to blogging. And I casually mentioned that my bestie, TT, will be starting a new sales job at St James (SJ), so if they happen to be in SJ, they must go and patronise her. No patronise her, I don't help them to proof-read their projects. Hahaha.....(See TT! I got help you advertise hor! So make sure you know what to do when we meet up hor. Must be automatic orh. Hehehe.) One of them, Thomas Thye, immediately replied "Hey! I'm also TT!" Kannasai lah you, Thomas! Don't spoil my image of TT! The TT I had in mind is a chio bu, ok. Don't spoil her reputation!

Talking about reputation, did you know that last time when I was still in YPS, one of the school attendants Auntie Susie gave we both nicknames? TT is mei ren yu (Mermaid in Chinese) and me is bao qing tian (Justice Bao in Chinese). Kannasai man! I agree with TT's nickname but I don't agree to mine lor. PCY more fierce than me never name him bao qing tian, name me. I so nice guy, right? (Note: Those in my project groups have to say YES to the above question. Bear in mind I'm holding the only soft-copy of our projects.) 8-)


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