Santa's Story

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

My Bitching Entry #02/08

Today met up with TT for a very late lunch. Spent about 2 hours bitching about other people. Hahaha. Quite shiok leh. During the same time, I also listened to her complain about her pampered sister.

When I got back in the evening, i msn-ed with one of my "spy". (To keep the "secret" identity of my spy, I shall use "it" as a pronoun to prevent people guessing the gender) I had another bitching session with my spy. My spy told me "it" had read my blog entry about my success with my china kid. In that entry, I mentioned a "TAN" and a certain "SEAH". My spy was quite bright lor, "it" was able to guess the real identity of that 2 jokers. My spy also don't like that "SEAH" lor.

Here an excerpt of my spy's messages:

"She teach the lesson can be soooooooooooo boring that u feel like sleeping"

"and then hor...she always scold...and scold and scold"

"almost the whole class dun like her ah..."

"say in bad ways la...she sux!!"

"can say even worse la...she is the worst teacher i've met in my life so far"

"1 day hor...the hw can give a lot one lor"

"my fren and i do like mad cow"

"bcuz hor"

"if dun do hor...she will say get outta my class!!"

I promised my spy that I'll blogged about what "it" told me. So here goes..........Wow! I thought that "SEAH" should be a damn good teacher leh, since that ah "TAN" so like her. But apparently it's not the case lor. Seems like ah "SEAH" is doing sucks lor. Even my spy don't like her. I suddenly felt a sense of pleasure in me because finally i heard from someone from the ground that ah "SEAH" is a lousy teacher. Definitely even worst than me. HAHAHA. To think that she is now going overboard to "carry the bola" of her new boss and her new boss like bo chup her. Wah! she now damn desperate liao leh. "Ground" no like her, "Sky" no like her. She may as well go jump from the 6th floor of the school liao. Plus don't let me start on her fake eyelashes. OMG, her fake lashes are a joke man! Even I, a guy who never put on fake eyelashes before, can say that the way she put on her fake lashes is a joke lor. She is really bad lor. Laugh until people die siao. Hahaha. I wonder who taught her how to put on her make-up and fake lashes wan. Elizabeth Taylor???


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