Santa's Story

Friday, April 11, 2008

Apologies to my ex-pupils

Went for my driving test today. Heng Heng pass lor. Got 18 demerit points. Tamade! 2 more points I'll have to re-test liao. Damn lucky lor. 8-)

I'll also want to say sorry to all my ex-pupils for not being able to turned up for their Sports Carnival today. I was held up at the driving test centre lah. Before today, I thought after my test ended at 10am, by around 10.30am, I can go home liao, so I should be able to reach Tampines by around 11am. It was only after my test than I know that the counter staff at the driving centre is so inefficient wan lor. You see ah. My test ended at 9.55am, then after listening to the tester debriefing, I went to the video room to watch a compulsory but damn "boliao" safety video lor. The video cannot skipped because it was only during the video then the driving centre staff endorsed and stamped my result slip lor, so die die must watch the video. I expected that liao so I thought after that can go home liao. But I was wrong lor. After the video, I had to go to the traffic police counters (only 3 counters) to get my photocard driving licence printed lor. Initially I thought just submit the required forms / documents, pay the money then can go liao. It shouldn't take too long lor. So I reached the counters, took my queue numbers and sat down. After a while, I realised that the staff manning the counters are damn inefficient lor. They seems to take century to call each numbers wan lor. The best part is even though there are a large number of people waiting in the small room awaiting the processing of their various application forms (PDL, Conversion of Foreign Licence, Printing of New Driver's Licence), one of the staff actually closed 1 of her counter at 11.30 am and go for a 1 hour lunch. TA-MA-DE! So inefficient! Seeing the visible big crowd, can't they at least get the supervisor or another staff to stand-in for that staff while she goes for her lunch? With 3 counters their pace are already slower than snail liao, you can just guess their pace with 2 counters. You can also imagine the temper flaring in that small room. I sat down at the seat, half dying from hunger (I no eat breakfast yet) & boredom, for 2 hours before they finally decided to call my number at 12.40pm. By then, the sports carnival had already ended liao.

So sorry gals & guys for not "gracing" your sports carnival. 8-)


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