Santa's Story

Friday, May 30, 2008

I Can't Come Back Liao!

Very long never blogged liao. No inspiration leh. Sometimes a bit fearful of going online too, because if a certain "blue thingy" see me online, she'll bugged me about updating my blog. 8-)

So far, since the day I resigned from my ex-profession, many people had been messaging or msn-ing me to return to that old profession. Sigh.......sad to break the bad news to you guys & girls............I can't come back liao.......Sian siao...........I applied to be a relief / adjunct teacher last month........just received the reply from Mothersf%#$*rs Of E-diots that my application has been rejected. So you see lah, even coming back to be a part-time they also don't allow me, you can roughly guess what will happen when I graduate a year later and I want to return? Those MFs 'bao' say cannot want lor. Kannasai man those MFs!.

Actually hor, I already got a job in the education line that is 80% confirm reserved for me liao lor when I graduate in 1 year time. But I'm not keen on taking up that job leh because the distance travelled & the working hours & days are not to my liking lor. i.e. If I take up that job, I can say good-bye to my dating life liao lor given those working hours and distance travelled. Sian by half now liao.


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