Santa's Story

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Snowing Day

For people who have not seen a snowing day before, please take a look at my 2 previous posting. Beautiful isn't it? The snow started to fall at 2 plus in the early morning, and it was still snowing briefly when I took the snowing picture. I will post more photos of my snowing trip to Japan in the later date. 8)

The morning after the snowstorm Posted by Hello

The night before the snowstorm Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Meeting with Friends

Just came back from a gathering wth 2 of my 'kakis' from my poly days. For those unfamilar, 'kaki' refers to best friends. Really glad to meet up with them again. You know sometime life is just like that. You made friends during your school days, then each one of you got busy after graduation and you can't find time to meet up anymore. Kind of sad, rite??? So you little "elves" out better treasure your friendship with your friends while you are in school so that you won't regret it when you graduated from Yumin. 8)

Friday, March 11, 2005

Pokemons? Kawaii nei! Posted by Hello

Run out of light bulbs, have to settle for pokemons Posted by Hello

My "little" elfie Posted by Hello

Holiday Photos

Yipee!!! I have finally learnt how to post my photos on my blog. So proud of myself. 8D But I still havn't master the trick to reduce my photos' sizes so theye are kind of "big". You can even see my pimple. Argh!!! 8( Got to quickly master the keys to reduce their size. Given my "high IQ" I think it should take too long for me to learn them. Now where's smurfie when you need her? smurfie....HELP!!!!


People who are viewing my blog right now, can see that my blog is "miserablely" plain... 8( But fret not, I shall "pester" our smurfie to teach me how to enchance with photos & stuff...... 8) when smurfie teach me, I will post some photos of my dec trip to Japan.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


To my beloved "elves" in my class 3D, Welcome to our class blog! So we are finally doing our Blog. Yipee!!! So those "jokers" who were pestering me about their blog better write more in the future or else....hehehehe 8)