Santa's Story

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My PC is repaired

Yipee!!! My Pc is finally repaired!. So happy. Now I can more frequently log on online to do my blog.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

New features

Hear ye! Hear ye! I've notice that it was quite difficult to find the name of any of my elves, as their names were not grouped properly. I have since regroup the elves' links according to alpha order. Hopefully it will facilitate me when I hunt for my elves' names.

My home pc is still down. Sigh.....quite bored lor at home.....can't blog at home.....can't surf the net......Luckily I got PS2 to entertain myself at home. (Not my PS2 though, but that's another story) The technician said my pc should be ready by the term 3 holidays. Wah! Still must wait leh....Hope I won't be bored to death.. 8)