Santa's Story

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My 2nd Blog Entry of 2006

Wow! Didn't realise that, this is the only 2nd time I blog this year. Must make mental note to blog more. But I have a reason for not blogging from Jan to Mar. My "kind-hearted" pc at home went on strike the 3rd day after my new year's entry. Hmmm... must be that it's not happy that I went makan never invite it lar, so now lose temper lor. Then I too busy to sent for repair mah. That pc quite heavy ok, almost 10 kg. Call me carry to Tampines Challenger store for repair, quite siong leh. Old already, bones stiff. Anyway I only sent it for repairs during the March holidays. And I collected it about 1 week later, just a few days after school reopen. And from then on, a certain blue-ling has been "buzzing" me to update my blog. So I finally wrote my 2nd entry of 2006.

Anyway, kind of busy this year lor. Must attend course here and there lah. Must prepare lesson materials for my form class & my LSP class. Must manage the cases of pupils with learning difficultly lah. Then of course must teach both my form class & LSP class. Sometime I wonder even if I split myself into 20 santas, I also may not be able to cover my all my jobs this year. And to make things worst, a lot of these jobs are backroom jobs. i.e. they are done during free periods or after school. And certain people think i'm very free, keep adding jobs for me to do. Quite sian already.

Oh yah! Did I told any of you that this year I kena another Aaron Tan in my class. Yup! I have to "relive" the "Aaron Tan Curse" again. This Aaron Tan has been "tormenting me" since day 2 I come in. And when I relate his antics to a certain "BMW", he said my this Aaron's antics is normal wat. Excuse me! Singing and talking to himself when I'm teaching is not normal, ok! Furthermore, I'm standing next to him when I'm teaching. Please don't tell me he is normal!

And Thursday come, I have to be "tormented" by my last year Aaron Tan. Yes that's right! My last year Aaron joined Scouts this year. Going crazy already. Sometimes in Scouts' meeting, feel very tempted to tie the last year Aaron to a stick and bbq him. Don't even know how i'm going to survive him in my CCA for the next few years.

Anyway, saw quite a no. of my previous 3D's around school lor. Most still quite polite lah, know how to greet me. Some just pretend, pretend that they never see me lah, so never greet me lor. Must change ah some of you. 8)