SIM Jean Gang Photo

Let me introduce them one by one to you. (I've also included some of my personal feel about each of them.)
The guy in red is Zul, our outline-master. He's damn good in establishing the outline for our project wan lor. With him around, we are always assured that we have a "skeleton" to work on for our project, we just need more details and info to "flesh" out the projects which he will always be able to research damn throughly wan lor. So far whoever do project together with him wan is almost "bao" to get distinction wan lor.
The guy in black is Boon Kok, our "ang-moh" expert. Yup, even I have to admit my ang-moh is not as good as his lor. Other than my computer, he is the only one in our group who can correct my written "ang-moh" lor. Sigh......quite malu sometime the mistakes I made. He is also damn good at researching for info and writing his reports.
The girl in purple with with stripes is Audrey, our "mother tongue expert". Lol, her MT is so "good" that I have to always beg / plead / request / implore / beseech her to switch to "channel 5" because I can't comprehend what she is trying to say when she uses MT lor. Yes I know, it's my fault for getting B3 in my normal Chinese and for not taking Chinese 'B. Really, its my fault! 8-) Anyway, she's a fellow rabbit-ter, so she's always "bullied" by me this senior rabbit lor. Bo piang. Good rabbits are meant to be "molded" by their senior rabbits. Don't you know it's part of the Rabbit-ters' tradition.
The guy in light blue is Yi Cheng, our "heavy-weight" master. When he goes for his IPPT-RT training, he's always in the obese group but he's alwasy the thinnest guy there wan lor. I wish I can attain such his these "privileges". Not joking ok, being in obese group got priviledge wan leh. For example, they are given 20 mins to complete as many rounds they can around the stadium track (run or jog or walk up to you) while the rest of us the "under-priviledge" have to complete 6 rounds within 13 minutes lor. Wah lau eh! Run until I see my life flashes before my eyes many times during training liao, ok.
The girl sitting next to me is Marziah, our No. 1 "chiobu" of our group. Ok, Audrey you are No. 2 "chiobu" of our group, happy now? Don't let her looks decep you, ok? She is damn intelligent too. She is often able to spot another good perception and/or point of view, from the research data we have gathered, to allow us to flesh-out our project. I alwasy have to "kow-tau" to her for that. The combination of her with Zul and Boon Kok in the same group is a damn powerful grouping lor. Sure win wan lor. My group and I've never score better than their group in any project assignments lor.
For those who are "blind", the one sitting next to Marziah is me lor, Santa. I'm the self-proclaimed "bull-shit" expert lah. As long as I have the right research data, even if it is not enough to prove a point or reached the word limit, I often able to extrapolate and stretch the data till it help us prove the point or reach the word limit. Actually, everyone in our group can do that also lor, but hey since I gave nick-names to everyone in my group I got to give a nick-name to myself too wat. LOL.